Day Habilitation Services


Our Day Habilitation Services are accredited by CARF in Community Services, Community Integration (Accreditation Announcement).

Day habilitation services consists of planned, coordinated, goal-oriented supports that are designed to improve functional ability. The provision of clinical services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language development therapy, activities of daily living while also providing nursing supervision, are designed to improve levels of independence and self satisfaction.

Development of an individualized day habilitation service plan by the member, his or her family or caregiver, and our clinical team is done and progress measured on an ongoing basis. The provision of our clinical services in an established therapeutic environment and supportive atmosphere facilitates taking risks and meeting challenges, thus encouraging our members toward optimal social functioning, skill development and personal growth.

Communication, overseen by our Speech/Language Therapy department, includes supports that develop speech and language skills, as well as the use of assistive and talking communication devices, signing, and computers.

Health and Lifestyles, overseen by our Nursing/Health Care Department, encompasses health care supervision, safety skills, sex education, hygiene, nutrition, and social interpersonal skills.

Sports and Fitness, overseen by our Physical Therapy Department, promotes personal well being through exercise, swimming/aquatics, sports, games, aerobics, walking and mobility.

Lifeskills, overseen by our Occupational Therapy Department, focuses on self-care, cooking, household skills, creative arts, horticulture, and sensory integration.

Community Supports, overseen by our Community Liaisons, emphasize the importance of participating in and experiencing one’s community through social/recreational activities, work situations, and volunteer opportunities.

Expressive Therapy incorporates music, dance and movement, art, creative writing, and counseling.